
MedForum 2014 - Model Forest „River Mirna Basin“ became a candidate for membership in the International Model Forest Network

The annual meeting of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network (MMFN) was organized collectively by the Institute for Adriatic cultures and karst melioration (IAC), the Šibenik-Knin County and the MMFN Secretariat; it took place in Skradin from the 14th to 16th October, 2014 and its working title was “MedForum 2014: Monitoring and Evaluation of Results and their Reporting to the Wider Public”.

MedForum 2014 - Modelna šuma „Sliv rijeke Mirne“ postala kandidat za članstvo u Međunarodnoj mreži modelnih šuma

Godišnje okupljanje Mediteranske mreže modelnih šuma (MMFN) ove se godine, u organizaciji Instituta za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša (IAC), Šibensko – Kninske županije i Tajništva MMFN-a, održao od 14. do 16. listopada u Skradinu, pod nazivom „MedForum2014: praćenje i evaluacija rezultata te izvještavanje istih široj javnosti“. Sastanak se sastojao od tri dijela: godišnje skupštine MMFN-a, obilaska pilot područja Jadranske modelne šume i tehničke radionice Adriatic model forest projekta.

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