The MMNF belongs to a bigger Network: the International Network with a good reputation and track record
Some Staff of the MF Secretariat is still committed on a voluntary basis
We are a multidisciplinary and trustworthy Group
Good relations with and support from big institutions (FAO) and governments (such as Canadian Gov.)
Take advantage of the pull of the "Circular Economy“ --- Model Forest = Circular Economy
The diversity between the Model Forest structures and activities constitutes a source of inspiration
It is not reliant on outside sources of funding It is voluntary = strong dedication
The Model Forest concept has never been more relevant to forest policy than it is today
The MF concept has been officially recognized in the European Union's forestry strategy
The Model Forest Associations (already created) proved their own sustainability
SUPERVIVENCE STRATEGY (weaknesses+threats)
Search for common points to heighten the NETWORK unit
Each site could commit to produce an annual report and participating in communications/publicity activities (ie, submit articles, share tweets, etc)
Creation of community funds.
Small economic contribution by each Association for the Network functioning.
Build key partnerships beyond FAO
Each site ensures it has an update strategic plan and shares it with MMFNS and IMFNS