English name:
Local name:
Up to 30 m tall tree with oval leaves. The flowers are monoecious; male flowers are clustered into circular catkins on long pedicles; female flowers grow in pairs but have a common cupule. The fruits are three-angled nuts which are in pairs enclosed in soft-spined cupule; known as beechnuts and used for pig fattening (pasture).
Usable part:
Trunk, seeds
Beech wood is heavy, hard, strong, very elastic and poorly durable. The wood is used in construction, in carpentry and in turning industry, in production of veneer, veneer and wooden panels, in the production of laminated wood, for the production of barrels, toys, sport utilities, in the production of cellulose and as firewood. beechnuts are used for the production of edible oil, but their cupule is poisonous for men and some animals.