
Terra Madre 2020 - Local event in Novigrad on 19th November 2020

In the framework of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network – Slow Food International on-line FORUM on 19 November 2020 our Model Forest will organize a local event in Novigrad, in cooperation with Slow Food Istria.Objective of the event is strengthening cooperation at the territory of the Model Forest and  promoting Slow Food movement. 

Event is organized in occasion of Terra Madre 2020 - Salone del Gusto that is starting the same day and severla local events are organized in model forests of the network : Provance (France), Abruzzo and Tuscany (Italy). During the event we will link with Mediterranean Model Forest Network On-line Forum: Community, Products, Management and other territorial events. 

Producers of the local products such as olive oil, honey, truffles, juices, marmalades as well as liqueurs and brandies will  present and  sell their products. Moreover, the Slow Food Community, Istria will present their activities. The main scope of the event will be given to the presentation of the book „Mushrooms of the River Mirna Basin” that is recently issued by the association. This will be followed with a cooking class on various mushroom dishes prepared in respect of Slow Food philosophy. Participants will be able to taste Istrian olive oil and local beer.

Our event will be organized  in person with some activities taking place indoors and others outdoors. About 50 persons will be invited to attend  the event, in accordance with current anti Covid-19 epidemiological measures.